Text Codes Quick Lesson

Creating a Text Code

To create a Text Code, perform the following:

  1. Open Juris>Tables>Text Codes. See Figure 1.0

    Figure 1.0
  2. Open a new Text Codes schedule form by using any of the following options:
  3. Enter a 1-4 character alphanumericClosed name.
  4. Enter a 1 - 30 character alphanumeric description.
  5. Enter the narrative to be inserted when the Text Code is used. See Figure 2.0

    Figure 2.0

Tip: The Enter and Tab keys are used to navigate from one field on the Juris form to the next field without having to use the mouse, but using CTRL+ Enter or CTRL + Tab will allow carriage returns or tabs to be inserted within the Narrative field.

  1. Spell check the form using any of the following options:
  2. Save the Text Code using any of the following options:

Editing a Text Code

To edit an existing Text Code, perform the following:

  1. Open Juris>Tables>Text Codes.
  2. Open the existing Text Codes using any of the following methods:
  3. Make any necessary modifications desired.  

Note: The system will not allow the code to be changed.

  1. Spell check the form using any of the following options:
  2. Save the Text Code using any of the following options:

Deleting a Text Code

  1. Open Juris>Tables>Text Codes.
  2. Open the existing Text Codes using any of the following methods:
    • Double-click the icon or description for the code that must be edited.
    • Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move through the list and select the code that must be edited, then hit the Enter key.
  3. Delete the selected Text Codes by using any of the following options:

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